Bringing Goldenrod’s Light Into the Darkness (Video)

First let me say that, I love the dark as much as I love the sunlight. I do not associate darkness with negativity. Darkness is necessary. We get the best sleep and dream in darkness. Stars shine in the darkness - the darker, the better. Dark earth is fertile – it’s where the seeds sprout and grow, where trees are rooted, where networks of mycelia share information with the life in the soil.* The Void where all comes into being is total darkness. One of my favorite practices is to take a bath in complete darkness - it’s a bit like recreating the darkness of the womb. Dark is beautiful!

Like all good things, there is a critical balance. We need both darkness and light, and everything in between, in the right doses. When I talk about darkness in this sense, I’m talking about the dramatic shift that we experience as a result of the angle of the Earth in relation to the Sun, the arc of light that lowers so that we have less daylight.

And that tipping toward the darkness can be difficult for many folks. With the reduced sunlight hours, it’s easier to get blue.

If you are someone whose mood dips down with the lack of sunlight, it can be helpful to bring the sun-embodied plants into your life.**

Dandelion, Sunflower, Mullein, Saint John’s Wort - all lovely allies for this purpose! And Goldenrod!

I think of Goldenrod as this beautiful glowing candelabra of blooms shining when the light starts to dwindle. And it got me thinking, candelabra, candles… hey, we can burn this! (Maybe there’s a hint of pyromaniac in me, I dunno – but who doesn’t like a good fire? Except maybe that misunderstood monster o’ Frankenstein.)

Burning a dried herb bundle of Goldenrod – the cleansing smoke, the sweet aroma – can call in helpful energy when we are feeling low.

In this video, I show you how I make an herb bundle including Goldenrod and some other yummy scented herbs that also like to be burned. Enjoy, and do let me know if you try it - there’s still some Goldenrod blooming out there, in the northeast at least.

This is just a taste of the kind of work we do in I N F U S E, a monthly immersion to deepen your relationship with healing plants. Learn. more here.

*Which reminds me of Black Earth Wisdom – if you don’t know them, check them out!

**Keep in mind that individual results will vary when working with herbs. This suggestion is not intended to replace medical advice, and if you are experiencing extreme mood shifts, it may be wise to consult with a trusted clinically trained medical professional or therapist.