Rosemary Elixir for Memory and Dream Enhancement, and More

Ah, Rosemary!

Passing by a Rosemary shrub, her leaves beg to be rubbed, her fragrant resinous oils transferred to fingers which are then immediately brought to the nose for a deep inhale. And then one might run those fingers over temples or the heart to place the scent there, to help us remember.

Rosemary is the herb of remembrance – humans have known this for millennia, at least as early as Ancient Egyptian times and likely before. Modern science, as it often does, has confirmed the ancient knowings – Rosemary is rich in compounds that stimulate circulation to the brain, that enhance memory and cognition, that help us remember.

One such compound, rosmarinic acid, encourages production of the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid) which brings about a host of functions, including mental focus and bodily relaxation. This encouragement can bring us into a meditative flow state, and if stimulated before sleep, can enhance dream recall and even lucid dreaming.

Yet there is more to Rosemary than these plant chemicals, and many benefits to partnering with her beyond the ones I’ve stated here. And as with other plants, there is the essence and spirit itself who we relate to, who we interact with - the whole being co-mingling with our own to affect transformation, to encourage healing and wholing.

There are several ways to work with Rosemary - infusing sprigs in oil, making an herbal infusion (tea), in cooking. One of my favorite ways to prepare this plant into medicine is as an elixir, as in the following video.

Check it out, give it a try, and let us know how it goes!

This elixir makes a delicious holiday gift, New Year’s aperitif, or anytime enjoyable remedy. Cheers!

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