Beltane Blessing

Through misty grateful eyes

The most magnificent thing I did spy

While touching your bark, dear Cottonwood

Beneath deltoid leaves on descending limbs

I catch her form, ripening

At just the right moment

Through parting cumulus

In the early evening sky

Still light on this Beltane eve

As the Sun continues his ripening, too

Turning back again to see

She has vanished

A dream revealed only to me?

A reminder–

Above the swooping swallows

Gathering their supper

Above nodding Plantago

Crowned with creamy white fairy filaments–

Of the prayer to come

And my place in it

How to prepare this vessel

With nourishment of spirit

Of rest

Of vibrant sustenance

Tears come, dear Cottonwood

With the reminder,

Of your softness

And how it is mine, too

Dear Moon,

With the reminder

Of your reflection

And how in the light of the Sun

It is mine, too.

Narrow-leaf Plantain (Plantago lanceolata)

Downtown Manhattan through Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoides)

One of my neighbors, Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)

Saving a leaf in my journal, from Populus deltoides

This is a place I have not written in nearly a year. It is my intention to revive this space as a way of slow record keeping in the face of the fast-paced world of social media. This is a time for slowing down, of perspective shifting, of touching into the depth of life. We are at a tipping point and getting ever closer to the edge. How do we navigate this world as everything falls away? One way: connecting with our kin, the plants and plant people. Sacred medicine plants are everywhere. There are some who are potent teachers and other more subtle. This does not make them less impactful.

I’m living for a short time on a sailboat with a view of the capitalist capitol of the world. Living with intention and thumbing my nose at those towers of commerce and commodification of life. Living in opposition to the extractive. Though hypocritically still living in it. What choices do we have? We can do our best to sort through the daily decisions of what to eat and how. Sort through the difficult decisions of how to provision ourselves against the elements.

For now, I choose to live as simply as I ever have. Burning alcohol for cooking on a two burner stove and small oven where I bake nutrient dense bread with sweet potato, hemp seeds, cranberries, and other vitamin & mineral-rich plants. Reusing water collected in the dehumidifier to wash the dishes. There’s running water but it’s on the dock. I fill my filtering water bottle three times per day. There’s a toilet and showers on land, and the head on board if needed.

For a few more weeks I’ll be here and then, paring down even more for the month of June. I’ll leave you in suspense for that one, as I’m feeling into how to share, if I do, the experience that is coming to meet me. I alluded to it above. It is a prayer. A personal prayer and a collective one. A prayer for the life regenerating change we need to experience on this unique and precious planet.

Delicious sweet potato bread, baked aboard

Before the Sun rises

Our Sun (via Destination Cosmos at Hall des Lumières)

Our Solar System (via Destination Cosmos at Hall des Lumières)

You are my reflection, I am your reflection

More reflections on this time of transition to come…