
Shine Your Light With Mullein Torches

Here in the Northeast we are immersed in the darker months, patiently awaiting the gradual return of the light on the Solstice. As I wrote about in the recent Goldenrod post, darkness is a welcome environment for creativity, dreaming, and rebirth. It’s a beautiful time to go inward, to reset, and imagine new ways of being.

While we live in a time where electric light prevails when the sun goes down, there’s something deeply healing about surrendering to the dark and allowing oneself to rest. And instead of flipping the switch when we need to shine a little light in the darkness, why not try using a natural source of light as our ancestors did?

Enter Mullein torches.

Mullein blooms golden yellow, a spike reminiscent of a large candle wick. The blooms also remind me of popcorn (which require flame to pop).

Mullein has many common names. At least two of the names refer to the use of Mullein as something that can light the way through the dark:

torches and hag's taper

The leaves and flower spikes are traditionally burned – they are soft and downy, a natural wick-like material.

Energetically and spiritually, Mullein serves as a candle in the dark to guide us through darkness and shadows. Mullein also lights up our inner world to help us illuminate and process grief and sadness, emotions that are often held in the lungs.

In the following video I show you how to work with Mullein to craft your very own torches (plus a little bonus craft, you’ll see…). I recommend burning the torches outside for safety’s sake.

Note: I made these torches in the summertime. As of the writing of this post, it’s November and a great time to go out and find a dried up Mullein stalk to collect. If you want the Mullein plants to prevail, give the seed head a little shake on the earth before bringing indoors. And leave an offering in thanks for your harvest (honey, your hair, a song, fragrant herbs, tobacco, etc.).

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