
Drink the Ambrosial Nectar of the Bee Tree

Linden blossom season is coming!

Linden, aka Basswood, aka Tilia, aka Bee Tree…

As I write this her tiny pre-blooms are developing.

In the Northeast, she’ll bloom from June to July, depending on where you are latitudinally.

In the South and West, maybe you’ll see her blooms a bit earlier.

In either case, Linden blossoms are beautifully soothing!

The fragrance hangs heavy in the summer air, creating an intoxicating scent path straight to her.

The Bees know just where to go, and Linden honey is oh so fine!

In the following video I’ll show you how easy it is to harvest Linden blossoms, and then how easy it is to make an infusion (tea) with these blooms.

The blooms are anti-inflammatory, soothing to the nervous & digestive systems, and have a mucilaginous quality that is coating in cases of dryness of the mucous membranes (so, great for sore throat, dry cough, constipation).

Enjoy the video! And please let me know what you think by leaving a comment here or on YouTube, subscribing to my channel, or signing up for my newsletter. Thank you!

Want to go even deeper with the healing plants? You might want to join INFUSE for a season or the year!