Liz Neves
Liz Neves is a dreamer, wanderer, and Earth lover who seeks to deepen her connection to the Elements and Other wise beings (plants, animals, fungi). Liz is passionate about shifting perceptions and lifting unturned stones to find creative solutions to life’s challenges. Since 2008 she’s been on a meandering journey of developing her skills in herbalism, earth-based living, shamanism, and energy healing.
She’s come to this path led by her life experiences: of leaving the corporate world, of becoming a mother, of going nomadic, of guidance from dreams. Liz believes we learn our greatest lessons directly from the natural world, from the plants, and from our own internal guidance. And of course with a helping hand from our human community as well.
These are some of the herbalists and healers she’s been blessed to study with: Peeka Trenkle, Jacoby Ballard, Karen Rose, Robin Rose Bennett, Rosalee de la Forêt, Kristin Reed, The Reiki Godmothers (Aki Baker & Manu del Prete), Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman, Wilderness Fusion (Niasziih). In 2009, she received a permaculture design certification through Andrew Faust of the Center for Bioregional Living. In 2015 she received mindfulness meditation teacher training from Cyndi Lee, owner of Om Yoga. In 2023 she was immersed in learning earth-based living skills at Tom Brown’s Tracker School in the Pine Barrens of NJ.
Liz is the author of Northeast Medicinal Plants: Identify, Harvest, and Use 111 Wild Herbs for Health and Wellness (Timber Press).
She currently offers wandering healings, healing plant walks, herbal classes, and dream circles on request. She’s a member of the Contact Collective healing clinic based in Gardiner, NY. Learn more here.